AAC blocks are quite popular in the construction projects. Nevertheless, there might be a few conditions when their substitutes have to be used. Prefabricated wall panel is a ground-breaking high quality building materials which are alternative to AAC block supplier in gurgaon. It unites strength, lightweight, fast installation, economical, environmental performances. It is manufactured by One-kin. It is three times lighter as compared to traditional bricks, cement panels.

What are actually prefabricated panels?
Prefabricated wall panels are factory-built units formed in an indoor environment. Builders supply the construction details of the house to the factory where the building procedures are fed into a computer program which designs the wall panels for the home's precise needs.
What is the differentiation between precast and prefabricated concrete?
The major difference between precast and prefabricated structures is the technique their individual components are prepared. On the other hand, the individual parts of a room or else unit are built independently and then put together absolutely before the complete structure is transported to the site as well as assembled onto the foundation.
There are many benefits of using prefabricated steel stud wall panels – four of which being: savings, increased safety, reduced project schedules and a reduction of labour on site. With time, money and material all being limited resources, efficiency and innovation have become the focus and foundation of Fast-walls.